
How to load more days on the Agenda view in GCalCLI

By default gcalcli loads 7 days on the agenda view. You can specify how many you want if you give it 2 number args, for example:

GCalCLI start and end args

gcalcli agenda <start> <end>

These numbers represent the number in the month.

To load more days you need to pass the current date as the first arg and the the date you want as the second arg, this is what I use in my scripts

gcalcli agenda `date +%Y-%m-%d` `date +%Y-%m-%d --date="+9 days"`
  • date +%Y-%m-%d

    The current date

  • date +%Y-%m-%d --date="+9 days"

    The current date 9 days in advance